The Chadar Trek, also known as the Frozen River Trek, is one of the most thrilling and unique trekking experiences in India, set amidst the breathtaking landscapes of Leh Ladakh. This iconic trek involves walking on the frozen Zanskar River, offering a surreal adventure filled with icy trails, frozen waterfalls, and dramatic mountain views. It

Manali-Leh highway, which has average elevation more than 12,000 feet and four major mountain passes with elevation of over 16,000 feet, has been the place for many adventure enthusiasts to set a world record. Not only Ladakh is a popular tourist destination where lakhs of tourists visit every year to enjoy the amazing landscapes, high

After visiting 59 countries on his 1923 Springfield Silver Ghost Rolls-Royce, Rick Brown, a 70-year-old American, has a target to prove his mettle in the highest and dangerous roads of India — the daunting Manali – Leh highway. The road trip to Ladakh has always been fascinating the adventure enthusiasts from across the world, but